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ultrasound Scrotum

The scrotum is divided into two ημιόσχεα, each of which includes the testis, the epididymis and the seminal tone.

Various pathological conditions, less or more serious, involving the scrotum.
The ultrasound of the scrotum and the triplex scrotum are the tests of first-line for all of these situations.
It's exam painless, quick and reliable and give it directly to the clinician with all the necessary information that will help him to put the correct diagnosis to problems that are found in the scrotum.

There are a variety of pathologic conditions of the scrotum, such as:

  The hydrocele, i.e., the collection of fluid in the cavity that surrounds the testicles and usually causes painless swelling of the scrotum, or a feeling of heaviness or voltage.
May be due to some disease of the testes (reactive hydrocele) or not due to a specific cause (idiopathic hydrocele) and is treated surgically. 

  The cryptorchidism is a condition in which the testicle is not in the normal position in the scrotum, but at some point in the normal descent from the kidney to the scrotum and is diagnosed easily clinically.

Requires surgical treatment, which is best performed up to the age of 2 years so that there are no complications.

  The cancer testicular cancer is a relatively rare and largely treatable cancer if diagnosed in the early stages , which unfortunately usually occurs in adolescents and young people aged 15-35 years. In most cases it appears a hard swelling in the testicle, without pain, which may be accompanied by hydrocele and requires immediate surgical treatment.


  The twist it is the twisting of the spermatic cord, rotation, so the torsion around the axis. Usually occurs in children and adolescents up to 18 years of age, can, however, occur at older ages. It causes intense pain, swelling in the testicle and redness of the scrotum and requires urgent surgical treatment, as it can lead to loss of the testicle.

  The varicocele is the κιρσοειδής dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord, which is due to the inadequate functioning of some of the valves that are located along the venous network. It is quite a common condition and has resulted in the creation of a soft mass in and around the testicle , usually without symptoms, unless the varicocele is great, so the patient may feel pain or pulling in the testis. Usually occurs in young people and is one of the possible causes of infertility. The treatment is surgical.

  The orchitis it is inflammation of the testicle from viruses and bacteria, causing pain, swelling in the testicle, redness of the scrotum, and a high fever and is treated with medication.

  The epididymitis it is inflammation of the epididymis. The symptoms are intense and acute pain, swelling in the area of the testicle, fever, and trouble urinating. It is treated with medication.

  The neglected inflammation may lead to the creation of abscess.

  The οσχεοβουβωνοκήλη it is created in the internal inguinal orifice, the point from where the testis descends to reach the final position in the scrotum, usually due to an anatomical anomaly and is treated surgically.

  Ordinary course of is and the injuries the area is usually in young people which can lead to formation of hematoma.

  The cysts the epididymis and the spermatic cord are simple κυστικούς formations which if you don't have large dimensions , usually don't cause any symptoms and do not require treatment.

  The spermatocele it is a small, soft bladder stacking liquid (mostly sperm) on the upper and back part of the testicle.

  The μικρολιθίαση testicular cancer is a condition in which they appear in the testicles multiple scattered calcifications, usually does not cause any symptoms and is diagnosed incidentally. The importance of diagnosis lies in the fact that it has been associated with an increased likelihood of developing testicular cancer and for this reason it should be done ultrasound examination of the scrotum at regular intervals.

With the ultrasound scrotal control the position, size and the morphology of the testis and epididymis, while the triplex control the flow of blood in the vessels of the region, with a view to the diagnosis of various pathological conditions. The ultrasound and the triplex scrotal can give us all the necessary information for the anatomy and pathology of the scrotum directly, easily and in a timely manner and shall be deemed to be included in the preventive control of men, and especially in the ages up to 40 years, due to the increased frequency of testicular cancer at the ages of these, as well as due to the fact that at these ages are controlled at a greater rate, and the factors that may affect the fertility of the side of the man.

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